Our Partnership

Our Partnership


Trusted Partner To Change the Life of Indonesian Children

Supporter - 1 - World Harvest - Impacting the World Through Creative Community, Education and Media Services

Harvest Christian School

Welcome to Harvest Christian School! It is both an honor and a privilege for me to be part of this amazing institution and educational ministry. Integrating knowledge, experience, & Biblical values to produce Indonesia’s future leaders.

Supporter - 2 - World Harvest - Impacting the World Through Creative Community, Education and Media Services

Harvest International Theology Seminary

Harvest International Theological Seminary (HITS) is the leading Theological campus with the latest and modern curriculum.

Supporter - 3 - World Harvest - Impacting the World Through Creative Community, Education and Media Services

Yayasan STMIK Harvest

School of Technoprenuer Nusantara (SOTN) adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi komputer yang didirikan oleh Yayasan STMIK Harvest, salah satu yayasan milik World Harvest, sebuah organisasi nirlaba internasional yang berkomitmen untuk memberi dampak pada dunia melalui pengembangan komunitas, pendidikan dan media.

Supporter - 5 - World Harvest - Impacting the World Through Creative Community, Education and Media Services

U Channel

World Harvest Indonesia. Di era media digital saat ini, U Channel adalah program TV yang menyadari bahwa media memiliki peran sangat penting di masyarakat.