About Sponsor A Child

Sponsor A Child

Our program offers the sponsorship of impoverished and underprivileged children in remote areas across Indonesia. 

Our Sponsor A Child Program directly helps your sponsored child and the community he or she lives in. It ensures that the child will receive a holistic factor to grow well, such as:

C: Character building

H: Healthcare services

I: Integrated education

L: Leadership and Talent Development

D: Development of Family Small Bussines

Your donation will provide:

Personal package from your child that includes your child's photo and story

Regular updates on your child (including but not limited to report cards and hand-drawings from your child)

Yearly updates on your child's performance in school and growth

A personal relationship with your child

Our Ministry

Sponsor A Child

Through this program, we have helped finance the education of thousands of children from kindergarten to high school, spread over 20 communities in the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi areas. We also provide free health services on a regular basis to foster children every month.

Through A Child Sponsorship, foster children also receive character development through seminars and training, tutoring and group growth together through the Generasi Inspirasi, character development program from Focus on the Family.

Anyone can take part in the Sponsor A Child program by becoming a foster parent (donor). You can contact us through Donor Relations to obtain a Foster Child profile.

Wahana Harapan Kedaung

Wahana Harapan Kedaung School was founded in 2012 which is located in West Kedaung, East Sepatan sub-district, Tangerang Regency, Banten, Indonesia. The total population in West Kedaung is 11,772 p... Read More

Sentra Vaksinasi WHC

Ayo Ikuti Program Vaksinasi Covid-19 (Gratis) untuk UMUR 12+Program ini diselenggarakan atas kerjasama IFGF Jakarta, Yayasan World Harvest, Puskesmas Kutai dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tang... Read More